Discovering a student life in Wuhan, China
Sunday, September 19, 2010 @ Day 6: City Tour :D
Hello! It's time to blog again! Today was a really extremely tiring day for me.

We had a city tour which starts from East Lake-Hubei Museum-Lunch @ posh restaurant- Yellow Crane Tower-Jianghan Road Shopping mall.

Starting from East lake, the scenery there is nice! My group and I took quite a couple of group photos. I had a fun time there with the girls too. The photos will show you what happened eh? ;)

The whole group of us; LSCT & MDE entering East Lake..

Scenery shot!


Big group shot!

My dearest group and I!

Next was the Hubei Museum. It was quite a great eye-opener as I got to see the antiques and items that were used in the Qing, Tang and the other dynasty. They were real, and thankfully kept in good condition..

What caught my attention was the big chimes! It was almost like the major highlight of the museum.. Can you imagine the weight of the wooden rod they have to carry to hit the chimes? It's really hard isn't it?

And here is one of the exhibits that we saw..

The big chimes!

Then it was time for... LUNCH!! I must tell you that food is fantastic! But a pity the girls couldn't really eat much, so the guys helped with the rest of the food!
The dishes just kept coming and coming, to the extent that there wasn't enough space to laid out all the dishes!! Let's take a look at what we ate.. :D

Next stop: Yellow Crane Tower - 黄鹤楼
By the time we reached YCT, the weather was a mega killer. I was sweating like a running tap. Ahah. Anyway, Yixian and I went to climb up the stairs.. all the way to the top!! Scenery was really nice, again! (:

and the last stop: Pu Xing Jie shopping again. Afterwhich, we just headed back to our hostel, because all of us were really exhausted already..

Went for an impromptu jogging with Mr Chia around our area in the evening after reaching the hostel though i was quite tired already.. At first the air was really bad, but after awhile, it got better. (: I'm looking forward to the next round of jogging! (:

Alright.. time for some personal reflections..

In my opinion, I thought East Lake was quite similiar to our Singapore Chinese Garden, just that it is much bigger and nicer.The scenery there was totally awesome!
The Wuhan musuem that we went to, was really cool too. They had the real antiques and the things that were used in the Qing, Tang Dynasty. Those weapons, warriors were also displayed there. Well, for Singapore, we do have our own National Museum too, just that what we displayed out are more of our past activities, and the appearance.. For example, Singapore has a history regarding the photography, food and entertainment aspects in our museum, but for this Hubei Museum, it was so much on the past wars, weapons, generally what was done in the palace..

After paying a visit to these places, I do understand why is it called tourist spots already. The whole infrastructure is just too beautiful (: I really do enjoyed the city tour today! Thank you all teachers!

It's time to catch my beauty sleep! Bye guys!


Yours truly
Joanna Tan
18 yrs old
Year 2 Student of SCM

Loves orange,pink,yellow,black, grey!,red,maroon and many other bright colors!Loves photography, family and friends, running, cute animals, cool and awesome food, pretty clothes, curly hair! and my God. i love being happy; who doesn't?(:

Alright! I've been too naggy with my personal introduction. So here's something more proper for this blog. Well, this is created so as to jot down my little thoughts and notes as I travel and study oveseas in WUHAN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY UNIVERSITY! *SCREAMS*
A pretty good experience to get a feel of how studying overseas would be like! I'll be completing 2 modules throughout my 5-Week course, so are you ready to experience with me virtually? (:

[FYI, if the font size is too small, do Ctrl + . It'll be bigger! (: Sorry for the inconvenience caused!]


Group A
Han Hui | Jia Li | Brenda | Liang Xun |

Group B
Shi Ling | Zhen Zhao | Wei Lin | Hao Teng |

Group C!
YuHaw | Joanna | Diyanah | Nicholas |

Group D
Yu Chuan | Yi Xian | Sheila | Edward |

Group E
Elizas | Houng Sheng | Michelle | Eudora | Agnes

Day 5: Shopping!
Day 4: HOT DAY ):
Day 3: Excited still..
Day 2: HYPED-UP!