Sunday, October 17, 2010 @ Day 34: Say Good-bye
Last day in Wuhan eh?
It’s a say-goodbye day today. A group of us stayed up the last night to chat and soon, we realized it’s going to be time for us leaving Wuhan. We met up with some of the WUST students, and bade them farewell. Zhen Na, Dong Xiang, Xin xin and some of them followed us all the way to the airport. (: Really really appreciated that man! Last reflection for this trip:
This trip certainly gave me a lot of things. From being able to be more responsible for myself, to learning the culture of locals to building new friendships to gaining more insight towards life.
I know for sure I will miss a lot of things over here. But nonetheless, I’m excited about returning back to Singapore! :D
Bye, convenience shop..

Bye, soyabean shop. ):

Bye doggies ):

Bye comfyslippers ):

ooh. my ready baggages. hehe.

bye, my most comfortable comforter I've ever had. )):

Look at this pile of rubbish after clearing our rooms man! HAHA! It's certainly not like that the past few weeks.. haha!

Moving our luggage up the bus! (:

Goodbye, WUST campus. (:

WHEE. Arrived at the airport!

Bye Zhen Na. I'll miss you!

and zoooooooom. We have all arrived in Singapore.
Thank you Group C for all the fun we had! :D Haha!

& lastly, thank you Mr Chia, Ms Hock and 5th MDE OIP. Seeyou guys soon. (:
After all that had happened, rain or shine, good or bad, Wuhan is actually a peaceful place to live in. You have a group of warming friends and people, a whole stretch of yummy food, nearby shopping districts and alleys, and you get to enjoy almost 4 seasons plus you gain experience and freedom! What more can you ask for? (:
Nevertheless, after taking some time to reflect back again, I feel really fortunate to be a Singaporean. I have a shelter over my head. I have clothes to wear. I have food to eat. I don't have to work at a young age to support my family. I get to see my family everyday.. Things aren't exactly the same of some of the people in Wuhan though.. Yeap. I feel more appreciative of my family and Singapore now man.. (:
Alright..The End.
Thank you WUST friends once again! I’m looking forward to you guys coming to Ngee Ann Poly soon! :D
Saturday, October 16, 2010 @ Day 33: Re-visits.
Lalala. Today is a bright,sunny, happy, chirpy etc etc etc day.. Haha. Spent time with some of my maties and WUST friends.. We went to Hou Bu Xiang, by bus this time round! It was just about 20-35 min ride.. I really wanted to eat the famous Tang Bao, fried banana with unique sauce, local food, and more local food again. Haha. Really happy to be there again for the last time!

Look at the bustling streets man! It's really really squeazy, but rather than walking through empty streets, I rather walk through the busy stretch! It brings out the atmosphere! Haha.. It's busy probably because today is a Saturday anyway. (:

THE CANDY FLOSS HERE IS AWESOME. I don't know why Zhen Na said she had tummy upset. But my friends and I turned out fine after eating. It's different from the ones in Singapore. The candy floss here just melts in your mouth without leaving any hard-hard residue in your mouth. Oooooh. Yummmz. (THUMBS UP!)
Bubbletea! Just like ours in Singapore!

Red bean paste food! ;)

Hot-sushi-rice-with corn. It's niceeee.

WHOOHOO. See how I'm promoting this stall. Haha! Just kidding. But the BBQ-ed food is indeed nice! Some of my maties and I tried it.

Double click on this photo:
Mini lobsters and crabs. :D

Nice smelling toufu skin with fillings in it.. Yum yum to the max. (;

YEAP. AFTER A WHOLE ROUND OF EATING.. Most of us wanted to shop already.. because it was about 2-3pm already! Time is slowly kicking in...We then took a ferry to Han Kou.

This young man was earning an income through guitar-playing and signing on the ferry! Nice. (:
Sun still going strong and bright!

Oooh, we went to explore some streets and guess what have we found?

A SHOE PARADISE. LOL. Seriously, the whole stretch were just shoes shoes and shoes. After seeing more than 3 consecutive shops, I started to get a little bored, because all the designs are almost the same..
Yea, time just flew by and it was already late 9pm. The hungry group of us went to AJISEN RAMEN for dinner! Yay.

All of us decided to cab back after our dinner! But there was a problem, we couldn't hail any taxi! Not even the "black cars". Reason for that? Jay Chou was having his concert tonight, thus all the taxi being taken. Ahah. A little different from Singpapore right? Even if we have a concert, we're still be able to hail for a cab easily. Or even better, on-call one. Haha!
Our WUST friends had accompanied us from morning 11am to night 11pm, and we could all see that they are really tired! But still, they showed us their cheery look and smile. They do take very good care of us, and they always try to fulfill what we want to do over here. They also don't complain like how most of us will.. When I was chatting with a few of them, I noticed that their thinking is quite tuned towards the positivity, whereas for mine, it's can be quite negative at times. This is something I probably want to learn from them- Positivity in everything (:
Friday, October 15, 2010 @ Day 32: Smile, Laugh, Smile
Well well well. I don't know why I automatically woke up so early today! So yeap, decided to just roam around on my own again. And i decided to walk the stretch I used to jog along..
∧ i stumbled upon 2 adorable dogs who was actually looking at each other for a really long time. It seemed as if they were talking to each other. Haha!

Yay, this is where my classmates and i together with Mr Chia usually jog at!

This butterfly is really pretty man! That round black dot is actually rabbit poo. Haha. There were loads and loads of it everywhere on that pavement..

Ooh, this railway track is still in use! My classmates and I once saw this train passing by us. It was like the olden days whereby the people and car had to wait by the side until the train had crossed over. (:

Goodbye, my jogging path.
OKAY, then it was time for our basketball match!
Oooh, strategising huh? (;

'With our opponents!

Hey, look at Hao Teng! He's barefoot and he's in the match! Cheers for him because he might actually injured himself in this match! :/ A lot of us were so worried for him man.

Yeap. Match ended. We lost by a small margin! Haha. Both teams were equally strong! :D
After awhile, it was time for our dinner! All of us met at underpass of Shao Ping Mao first..

Kimberly, Geena, Me and Yan Fang with our new hairdo!

This is the international buffet restaurant I was talking about yesterday!

Look at what's above Eliza's and my head! Halo! Yay. We're the angels. :D hahah!

With Zhi Peng, the chairman for this student-exchange commitee. He's really a nice person!

Whoohooo! With my Group C! <3 style="display: block; margin: 0px auto 10px; text-align: center; cursor: pointer; width: 240px; height: 320px;" src="" alt="" id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5530892061459288482" border="0">
My dearest Zhen Na and Dong Xiang together with Mr Chia!

That's Sarah and I. She's from the LSCT batch.

No matter how fun a day can get, it'll still come to an end eventually.. Ahah. Today is indeed a happening day, and all of these memories will be kept in me! I won't forget about the new friendships being forged, the fun times that everyone had..
I'm going to say something random. Haha. Pardon me. :D
You only have one chance to live each and every day! Would you want to spend your day laughing your way through or frowning your way through? The choice is yours, people! (: I'll spend mine laughing anyway. Haha! :D