We learnt about the politics of China today. Our teacher as usual was Zhang Lao Shi.
We learnt about the reforms in the government, and the presidents, ministers since the earliest system of People’s Republic of China, Mao ZeDong to the latest one, Hu Jin Tao..
Oh! Another interesting fact that I learnt was, Taiwan is also actually a sub-country of China, though it is known as a country on its own..
After OIE, was the trip to the new WUST campus. The major highlight was the visit to their laboratory. It was really an eye opener. All the specimen used was real human, and it was all donated by the deceased or their family, to contribute a part to the society. They allow the students, professors to study the different body parts, to examine and analyze what had happened, and if there are any possible cures for it. Don’t you think it’s a big sacrifice? Here is some photos that I took. Be prepared!
The laboratory..
This is the body parts of the baby..
The inside of a head
A baby without brains.. ):
Next, we toured around the new campus both on foot and on bus.. Boy, their campus is real big, compared to the one over here in Hubei. They have so many basketball courts, and beautiful gardens! Even Singapore universities do not have that many basketball courts. Like more than 15? Or more! It’s too many that I couldn’t count finish..Haha..
The WUST students were really warming towards us. They prepared gifts and performances for us, and we weren’t really informed, so we too, did a impromptu performance for them! which was just a simple song put up by our class guys. (:
Later in the night, we had a surpised birthday party for Dy! She's 18 already! (: Happy birthday girl! Look forward to working with you in the upcoming days!
Nicely decorated cake! :D
Smileeee! :D
Alright, thats about it! Gotta turn in now! Bye!