Discovering a student life in Wuhan, China
Friday, October 8, 2010 @ Day 25: Really Boring Day
HELLO! There's nothing much that happened for me today. Wasn't feeling very well, so I just stayed in the hostel for almost the whole day, other than doing some project work. Ahah. So, sorry for this picture-less and content-less post. ):

So yea, anyway,tomorrow will be the day I'll be heading to Wudang Shan! Whoohoo.Excited. Kay. Shall update you guys again when I get back from that mountain yea! Heard that mountain take about 3hours for a fit person to climb up, and 2 hours to climb down. Hmm.. It's gonna be tough man. I really hope I can persevere it through!



Yours truly
Joanna Tan
18 yrs old
Year 2 Student of SCM

Loves orange,pink,yellow,black, grey!,red,maroon and many other bright colors!Loves photography, family and friends, running, cute animals, cool and awesome food, pretty clothes, curly hair! and my God. i love being happy; who doesn't?(:

Alright! I've been too naggy with my personal introduction. So here's something more proper for this blog. Well, this is created so as to jot down my little thoughts and notes as I travel and study oveseas in WUHAN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY UNIVERSITY! *SCREAMS*
A pretty good experience to get a feel of how studying overseas would be like! I'll be completing 2 modules throughout my 5-Week course, so are you ready to experience with me virtually? (:

[FYI, if the font size is too small, do Ctrl + . It'll be bigger! (: Sorry for the inconvenience caused!]


Group A
Han Hui | Jia Li | Brenda | Liang Xun |

Group B
Shi Ling | Zhen Zhao | Wei Lin | Hao Teng |

Group C!
YuHaw | Joanna | Diyanah | Nicholas |

Group D
Yu Chuan | Yi Xian | Sheila | Edward |

Group E
Elizas | Houng Sheng | Michelle | Eudora | Agnes

Day 24: Bonding Session!
Day 23: PM FTW
Day 22: Relaxing Day
Day 21: What A Day!
Day 20: Themepark!
Day 19: S.H.O.P.P.I.N.G.!.
Day 18: BEAR with Me!
Day 17: Fooodie!
Day 16: Coca-Cola Factory
Day 15: W.I.S.C.O.!.