For today, we had PM activity in the afternoon, because the morning was to let all of us recuperate from yesterday’s expedition. Haha. The activity was a simple one: Make a bridge as long as possible, to withhold the weight of as many books as possible. It was a team/project work, so we had to come together to decide on how we would want our bridge to be like.
ahah. this bridge can hold so many books is because our bridge was shortened into half. LOL.
There were several ideas being suggested, but we decided on one, which is to make triangular shaped bridges. Along the way, we modified our bridge so that it becomes more stable. Our bridge was at last made of 43 cm, which could hold about 2-3 books.
Went for lunch at Pala fast food at the back of our hostel, and quickly headed back to the hostel to finish up the project presentation due tmr.
Sinful fast food.. Yummm. Haha!