It’s a say-goodbye day today. A group of us stayed up the last night to chat and soon, we realized it’s going to be time for us leaving Wuhan. We met up with some of the WUST students, and bade them farewell. Zhen Na, Dong Xiang, Xin xin and some of them followed us all the way to the airport. (: Really really appreciated that man!
Last reflection for this trip:
This trip certainly gave me a lot of things. From being able to be more responsible for myself, to learning the culture of locals to building new friendships to gaining more insight towards life.
I know for sure I will miss a lot of things over here. But nonetheless, I’m excited about returning back to Singapore! :D
Bye, convenience shop..
Bye, soyabean shop. ):
Bye doggies ):

Bye comfyslippers ):
ooh. my ready baggages. hehe.
bye, my most comfortable comforter I've ever had. )):
Look at this pile of rubbish after clearing our rooms man! HAHA! It's certainly not like that the past few weeks.. haha!
Moving our luggage up the bus! (:
Goodbye, WUST campus. (:
WHEE. Arrived at the airport!
Bye Zhen Na. I'll miss you!
and zoooooooom. We have all arrived in Singapore.
Thank you Group C for all the fun we had! :D Haha!
& lastly, thank you Mr Chia, Ms Hock and 5th MDE OIP. Seeyou guys soon. (:
After all that had happened, rain or shine, good or bad, Wuhan is actually a peaceful place to live in. You have a group of warming friends and people, a whole stretch of yummy food, nearby shopping districts and alleys, and you get to enjoy almost 4 seasons plus you gain experience and freedom! What more can you ask for? (:
Nevertheless, after taking some time to reflect back again, I feel really fortunate to be a Singaporean. I have a shelter over my head. I have clothes to wear. I have food to eat. I don't have to work at a young age to support my family. I get to see my family everyday.. Things aren't exactly the same of some of the people in Wuhan though.. Yeap. I feel more appreciative of my family and Singapore now man.. (:
Alright..The End.
Thank you WUST friends once again! I’m looking forward to you guys coming to Ngee Ann Poly soon! :D