Discovering a student life in Wuhan, China
Thursday, October 14, 2010 @ Day 31: New Make-over!
Yay. Another day closer to Singapore! (:

Went back to the salon, Sourceme to continue doing my hair treatment! While Nic, Yx, Hao Teng, Zhen Zhao was either dyeing or perming/cutting their hair. (:

Before meeting them, I chanced upon this place whereby I saw a group of middle-aged aunties practicing some sort of Chinese dance!

They were all playing with the Chinese gongs and cymbals..

They were practicing in this activity centre. It's like a sports hall in Singapore..

Yeap, then I met the few who were in the salon already..

That's Jamie!

After all of us had our hair done nicely :D

Ahah then we met the LSCT girls, who came to do their hair too! Some dyed, some permed, and some rebonded!

Here's Yan Fang, in the process of perming her hair! Hehe.

After the MDE students had gotten all our hair done, we hurriedly went to Guang gu for some more last minute shopping! I needed to get presents for my family and friends! Right, time flies and soon we realised we needed to head back to Shao Ping Mao to make a reservation for the international buffet for tomorrow! Hurriedly, we took a cab there and thankfully Golden Hans wasn't closed yet. (:

As for dinner just now, famished zhenzhao, haoteng, nick and i then went to look for a restaurant which is not yet closing.. and so we found.. .TREETALK!

The whole concept was pretty cool. They've got swings like the Pocket Full of Posies and Greenhouse Cafe like in Singapore!

Their bar area;


They didn't allow us to take any photos, but I sneakily still did. Shhh.

Here's one of the dishes we tried: Octopus with more octopus. It's kinda crunchy and chewy. Ahah.

It was a filling dinner! But I still had space for a drink from Starbucks! Whee. I tried their new drink, and it was goood! Creme Brulee coffee! :D

The four of us rushed back immeadiately to avoid being late for our curfew and yeap. THATS FOR DAY 31!

Have a good night.


Yours truly
Joanna Tan
18 yrs old
Year 2 Student of SCM

Loves orange,pink,yellow,black, grey!,red,maroon and many other bright colors!Loves photography, family and friends, running, cute animals, cool and awesome food, pretty clothes, curly hair! and my God. i love being happy; who doesn't?(:

Alright! I've been too naggy with my personal introduction. So here's something more proper for this blog. Well, this is created so as to jot down my little thoughts and notes as I travel and study oveseas in WUHAN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY UNIVERSITY! *SCREAMS*
A pretty good experience to get a feel of how studying overseas would be like! I'll be completing 2 modules throughout my 5-Week course, so are you ready to experience with me virtually? (:

[FYI, if the font size is too small, do Ctrl + . It'll be bigger! (: Sorry for the inconvenience caused!]


Group A
Han Hui | Jia Li | Brenda | Liang Xun |

Group B
Shi Ling | Zhen Zhao | Wei Lin | Hao Teng |

Group C!
YuHaw | Joanna | Diyanah | Nicholas |

Group D
Yu Chuan | Yi Xian | Sheila | Edward |

Group E
Elizas | Houng Sheng | Michelle | Eudora | Agnes

Day 30: Last Lecture
Day 29: The Performance Day
Day 28: Hands-On!
Day 26 & 27: Wu Dang Shan
Day 25: Really Boring Day
Day 24: Bonding Session!
Day 23: PM FTW
Day 22: Relaxing Day
Day 21: What A Day!
Day 20: Themepark!