Discovering a student life in Wuhan, China
Sunday, October 10, 2010 @ Day 26 & 27: Wu Dang Shan
I'M back from the trip from Wu Dang Shan 武当山. From what I know personally, this place is a Taoism-based area. People practice martial arts, tai chi quan, and meditate over here.

US at Tai Zi Po

Freeee tea-tasting!

At Purple Heaven Palace!

while roaming around, we saw this!! Foreigners in Wudang area practicing taijiquan.. :D

One of the temples


Ahah. Us trying to blend in with the whole group of tajiquan-ians. haha.

Wudangshan wudangshan wudangshan! :D


I like this photo! :D

Oooh, this was taken on Day 26.. Dy, our dearest tour guide and I decided to make a wish at this wishing tree. (:

Here's mine!

This photo marks us on Day 27!

The whole route from foot of mountain to the peak of mountain..

We are readyyyy!

The total time for us to climb up and down was about 5-6 hours, and right now, my calves and thighs are hurting a lot.It was about 5km up? Yupp.
Seriously, it wasn’t easy to climb up, as it was raining too. My umbrella flew away TWICE. Thanks to the strong winds. But luckily I still managed to retrieve it back with the help of Hao Teng. :D


My group, Group C, along with Group B went up this mountain together, and everyone was encouraging each other! We were the first 2 teams that arrived first to the Jin Ding, the Golden Peak, together with Mr Low and Mr Chia. There was this tradition of the golden charm locks whereby one can wish for blessings for their family or themselves and so I bought one charm lock for my family!

The Tan family, and my name :D

I was only wearing my dry fit t-shirt, Bermudas, and a poncho all the way up and down. Boy, it is seriously freezing at some point in time, especially when the cold wind blow together with the rain! Otherwise, the temperature is actually still bearable for me. Both my hands were completely numb several times.

While we were climbing up, we met this old man, who was carrying cartons of canned drinks and other food. It was extremely heavy. Edward, Yu Chuan, Nic, Hao Teng, Yuhaw, and some of us helped him along the way to deliver all the food to the different provisions shop. You imagine, if we don’t have the strength to climb up the mountain, what makes us think that this pitiful old man can make it? What’s more, he was carrying a whole lot more than any of us.

I really admired the men who slogged hard to earn money, by carrying people from the foot of the mountain to the (almost) the top of the mountain. And, they only earn a meager amount of 400-500 Yuan (80-100 SGD) per trip. I thought they deserve more than that. Let the photos show you how it is like..

I really enjoyed this trip up to Wu Dang Mountain though everything was so tiring, from travelling time, to climbing time. I had fun!


Yours truly
Joanna Tan
18 yrs old
Year 2 Student of SCM

Loves orange,pink,yellow,black, grey!,red,maroon and many other bright colors!Loves photography, family and friends, running, cute animals, cool and awesome food, pretty clothes, curly hair! and my God. i love being happy; who doesn't?(:

Alright! I've been too naggy with my personal introduction. So here's something more proper for this blog. Well, this is created so as to jot down my little thoughts and notes as I travel and study oveseas in WUHAN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY UNIVERSITY! *SCREAMS*
A pretty good experience to get a feel of how studying overseas would be like! I'll be completing 2 modules throughout my 5-Week course, so are you ready to experience with me virtually? (:

[FYI, if the font size is too small, do Ctrl + . It'll be bigger! (: Sorry for the inconvenience caused!]


Group A
Han Hui | Jia Li | Brenda | Liang Xun |

Group B
Shi Ling | Zhen Zhao | Wei Lin | Hao Teng |

Group C!
YuHaw | Joanna | Diyanah | Nicholas |

Group D
Yu Chuan | Yi Xian | Sheila | Edward |

Group E
Elizas | Houng Sheng | Michelle | Eudora | Agnes

Day 25: Really Boring Day
Day 24: Bonding Session!
Day 23: PM FTW
Day 22: Relaxing Day
Day 21: What A Day!
Day 20: Themepark!
Day 19: S.H.O.P.P.I.N.G.!.
Day 18: BEAR with Me!
Day 17: Fooodie!
Day 16: Coca-Cola Factory