Really nice soyabean! In Singapore Chinese, it's called 豆奶. But in China chinese, it's called 豆浆. Haha, there was this time when I was telling
Lesson went on as usual, PM Practical. We managed to complete all the practicals already! I was taught a couple of new things to apply when my PM Practical Test is here. It’s not very easy to remember what are the exact techniques to apply anyway, because there are so many!
PM Interim presentation was next, and thankfully it went on smoothly!
Weather was pretty fine today, so I went for a quick jog in the early evening! Whee.
Yupp. That’s all for today!
Reflection :
FOOD is what I want to mention again. Well, I had lunch at the school canteen today, and I bought roasted pork rice. But I thought it wasn’t over oily or salty at all. Really! In addition, the vendors gave us vegetables and tofu for free. We don’t get that in Singapore at all. It’s always with a little of cucumbers here and there. But the vegetables serving here is big! Plus, it was a really satisfying meal. It tasted really delicious! I’m probably going to eat there again! I think I will miss the food over here in Wuhan eh?
I’ve become even more “daring” in a way too. I didn’t like to try food at roadsides in Singapore, but over here, I noticed that I have been trying out food that is so unfamiliar to me (at the roadsides). Luckily, nothing went wrong to me. Happy to be a glutton, and not a very picky person on food :D