Ms Grace showed us 2 videos about Confucian and Lao Zi, about their teachings and how they have brought about their practices and knowledge to other people/descendents.)
My reflections will come together with the following things that I have learnt in class.
We learnt that Chinese Philosophy on Confucian theory is almost like a must in every school, where they teach their studies about morals and respect and filial piety. How Confucianism comes about is from the analects of the Chinese Sage, Confucius. His philosophy concerns the fields of ethics and politics, emphasizing personal and governmental morality, correctness of social relationships, justice, traditionalism, and sincerity. The Analects stress the importance of ritual, but also the importance of 'ren', which in laymen term :human-heartedness..
Another point that Ms Grace taught us, which caught my attention was Mohism. This term means promoting universal love with the aim of a mutual benefit. How this terminology come about is from this person called Mo Zi.He sayd that everyone must love each other equally and impartially to avoid conflict and going into war.
Something that is different from Confucius and Mozi was that they are both in clashing practices/ritual..
I would say that I learnt today is that we don't really learnt about the Chinese Philosophy in Singapore. As in, we don't really go indept in this area, even in Secondary school.. Though it might seem tough, but I am still trying to absorb as much information as I can.
What was happening next was preparation for Zhen Zhao's 19th birthday! It was surprised dinner at the Greenery cafe. We invited our WUST friends along with us too. (: After dinner was a big pleasant cake, which was very much filled with cream.
Well pictures then!
At Greenery Cafe!
Birthday cake!
Zhenzhao on the right :D Haha
well, because of the lighting being too faint, i couldn't really capture the "nice-ness" of the picture! So, I had to resolve to using flash. So, sorry if the quality is kind of bad! Oh by the way, Eliza and I shared the Romantic Lovers Set. haha.
SALAD for our appetizer!
Dessert was served next. ( Kind of wierd right? I thought dessert was supposed to be the last! Haha. I like it anyway. )
One of our main course meal. I didn't want to upload the rest of the food photos, because it looked rather similar..Haha, though its different. so yeap!
Last picture for the day
My group with Birthday boy!