Don't you think this photo resembles a human face?(:
This is taken when we took a smaller boat to go deeper in the river..What I heard and learnt from our tourguide is that the depth of the river used to be only 1-2m, whereby the locals can walk on river to get in deeper. Now, it has rise up to an astounding 90-100over meters deep! He warned us to keep over belongings safe with us..
Houng Sheng, together with Nic and I then proceeded to the front of the boat to sit, to get a closer and nearer view of the wholes stretch.
Though it might seem similar, but each segment of rocks and mountains have their own story to tell.
Finally we have reached 神女溪!
Us under a spoooooky cave! There's even a guard to guard people from going too deep into the cave..
Basically this is what we saw while climbing up the mountain! Haha.
After that, we headed back to our cruise and took a short rest before we proceeded to 白帝城. This place was when 刘备 had once conquered and resided..
My group members STRUGGLING to climb up the 400 steps. haha. just kidding :p
Got a few souvenirs over there, and then we hurriedly return back to our cruise.Awaiting to see 3 Gorges Dam tmr! :D