This post shall be a straight to the point post. (because the earlier posts were too lengthy!
We went to visit the most important highlight of our trip, the 3 Gorges tour.
Here at the visitor centre where we were told about some information and overview of the dam.
I love this Yuan Zhang at the very right! She gave me a doll-like toy to play with! :D
the dams.
i like this flower garden! Hehe.
Nic being the new lady in our group! :D haha, just kidding!
5th OIP Wuhan! :D wheeee.
Delicious lunch at Shi Jia Ya Jiu Dian.
It was a posh place, but the food being served wasn't as posh as we thought.. Haha. Nah, just kidding. Though the food was simple, it was also delicious! Like this:
Haha. It was a simple meal consisting of Melon soup, potato strips, typical fish in china the wuchang fish, tomato with egg, cucumber cubes, cabbage etc. (:
Headed back hostel after that! Bye!
This whole cruise trip was surely an enriching one for us. We got to see locks, 3 Gorges, various scenic spots, numerous tourist attractions. I enjoyed myself in the trip here. Especially the food, wind, and the scenery. It is really hard to capture mountainous shots over in Singapore! Looking forward to the next trip- Wu Dang Shan!